Supported Living

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Supported Living

Supported Living for Young People

TPR Care Services offer supported living services for young people aged over 16. Young people are assisted to acquire necessary skills in preparation for living independently, experiment safely with their increasing freedom and develop responsibilities associated with adulthood, whilst still having the appropriate level of support from an experienced and qualified team.

Our aim at is to provide young people with secure, stable, and structured placements with clear boundaries for the duration identified and based on their individual needs. This will be achieved by supporting, teaching, motivating, and monitoring the progress made by young people in acquiring the skills necessary to live independently and progress to achieving greater independence. 

Our service will enable young people, via the support delivered, to move on to a permanent, full time setting and increase their likelihood of them maintaining future accommodation resources.

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Flexibility and a multi-agency collaborative working approach is key to ensuring that Young people achieve the best possible outcomes.

The key focus of the Service is to support and prepare the Young Person to transition successfully to independence. 

In addition to any specific needs identified in the young person’s individual plan, we will work with the placing Local Authority to achieve the best outcome for each young person. 

Types of Placements

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